dot.rural Projects

The Electronics Research Group participated in a range of range of Digital Economy projects funded as a part of the £11.8 million investment by RCUK in the Aberdeen Rural Digital Economy Hub known as dot.rural. Digital economy research brings together expertise from different academic disciplines to understand and develop new digital technologies – working closely with those who will benefit from the research. These partners are crucial to the success of the research and may be drawn from community groups, NGOs, government or industry.

Individual interdisciplinary research projects carry out most of the research at the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub alongside individual PhD and partnership projects. All projects are interdisciplinary and address real world problems. From buses to bumblebees, first responders to local history, dot.rural projects involve user partners and innovative technology solutions aiming to improve society, economy or the environment.

The Electronics Research Group was involved in the following projects:

The research described here is supported by the award made by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1.